Use the Bitly importer to turn your branded Bitly links (this does not import any generic Bitly bitlinks) into powerful links within Capsulink while preserving the original link and associated data.
Follow these simple instructions and start using the Bitly importer today:
- Associate the domain configured in Bitly with Capsulink. Learn how to connect a custom domain you already own.
- Wait for an email from Capsulink that will inform you when your domain is correctly configured and the DNS Settings are propagated worldwide.
- Go to the Import settings in your profile and click “Import My Links”.
- Then, go to your Bitly account and click “Allow”. All of your branded Bitly links will be automatically imported into Capsulink.
IMPORTANT: Remove your custom domain from Bitly ONLY when the import process has been finished.
NOTE: Configurations in the DNS settings of your domain will influence the redirection of your existing Bitly branded links. Keep in mind - they only work when the import process is completed.